By-D event design agency
David Fabre from “By-D”, the event design and interior architecture agency, gives us his feedback on the use and training of Sketchup:
Could you introduce yourself in a few words?
Creation of exhibition stands, event design and interior architecture.
Training :
- Baccalaureate in Applied Arts obtained in 1992,
- BTS visual expression in Space of Com at the ENSAAMA of Olivier de Serre obtained in 1994,
- I started working in a design office for exhibition stands from 1994 to 1996,
- Co-creation of a company design office in exhibition stands in 1996,
- In February 2011, I separate from my partner to create another company (same activity): “BY-D”.
How did you discover SketchUp?
I was advised to do so by a friend who works in the same field and uses this software…
How do you use SketchUp today? What do you use it for?
- Modeling of all my projects with or without the use of V-Ray renderer according to the needs.
- Realization of plans and technical cuts for realization.
What is the strength of SketchUp in your business?
- Speed, logic of the software, and its capacity to make “pre-rendered” of great quality.
- To be able to use directly its 3D modeling to elaborate the manufacturing plans
What did the Adebeo training do for you?
The mastery of Sketch Up. All positive!!!
David Fabre: