Sketchup for technical project sketch

adebeo presents the feedback of Jacques Villevieille from ERE43.

– Could you introduce yourself in a few words?
ERE43 is a cooperative company which participates in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

We offer Personalized Energy Audits of the habitat to reduce the energy and climate bill:

Better insulation, better regulation, better investment.

We have developed a system of boiler room with shredded wood, for small collective housing

– How did you *discover* SketchUp?

To build these boiler rooms, we collaborated with a workshop of integration by work.
Therefore, we were looking for a free technical drawing software to exchange remotely.

– How do you *use* Sketchup today, what do you use it for?

We use sketchup to anticipate the realization of assemblies

– What is the *strength* of Google SketchUp in your business?

The ability to share with anyone without having to invest in expensive software
Ideal for networking.
A professional software in a family logic.

– What did the *adebeo* training bring you?

To discover a part of the 90% of possibilities that we do not discover ourselves

Jacques Villevieille
ZA LA Guide
43200 Yssingeaux